
Thursday, March 2, 2006

Change is Good...I Think

As a person who has limited knowledge of html and the like, I've stayed with the same layout template I chose in the beginning because I was nervous about my ability to change it. Well, I decided to throw caution to the wind.

This is a work in progress. Who knows? Maybe I'll decide I don't like this new look. Maybe I will. We'll see.

Addendum: I changed it back. While I really like a 3-column format, I still need to tweak the new template. At some point, it will probably return for good.


  1. wow, it is a bit different. Have you ever checked out, They have quite a few good designs. I have been a web developer for many years, and I find it a very nice resource.

    I think I liked your older site design a bit better, it was a bit more open, this version feels a bit too cluttered for me.

    Of course this page isnt bad at all either. I just liked the openness of the other one.

    Buy Yay! continue to experiment its nice to see. Also are you using firefox at all? if so (or not) there are two great plug ins to help test and work with the html (called the web developers tool bar) which is free and so totally awesome:

    Just mentioning the resources since you say you have limited html knowledge and I hope this helps.

    best wishes Trey!


  2. I'm one of the 18 percent of Americans who support VP Dick Cheney! Yee Haw! Go Pitt! (By the way, Hiram, the new format sucks!)

  3. Hey, Trey... I was reading earlier and digging the new look. Now I come back and find... well... the old look, which is... well... it's fine in its own way, and really, the content is the thing, right?

    But I thought you were on the right track with the newer layout. fwiw.

  4. I like the three columns, and this latest version is better than the first try.

    Now, if only we could get Daniel Kirkdorfer to improve the load time for the PNW Topic Hotlist. I have the same problem you have with it. Slows up the loading of the site, sometimes painfully so. I love the concept, since it fits in so well with our goal to be a kind of Pacific Northwest portal, and I like how highly customizable it is, but I'm very close to giving up on it.

  5. Trey, I have been away for a while so I missed out on the changes. It still looks a little different than before; maybe the backround color. What I really liked about the original template was the way the comments just dropped down to view without having to reload the page. I had meant to ask you about how you did that or was it just built into to template? In either case, I still like the content.
    In real estate it's 'location, location, location'
    In blogging it's 'content, content, content....

  6. Howard,
    I agree about the NW Hotlist and load times. Early this morning I finally figured out how to lower the font point size for the whole Hotlist table.

    You're referring to peek-a-boo comments. If you're on blogger, you can find how to add the code in the Blogger Hacks section of Help. I've tried to add the code to this template, but something keeps screwing up. I'm working to figure out the problem because, like you, I really like the peek-a-boo effect.


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