
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Wasted Days & Wasted Nights

I've noticed this really strange announcement in the "What's Happening" section in the local newspaper. Several times per week a group by the name Moms in Touch International comes together to pray for "their children, their schools, their teachers, and administrators." They meet in various area homes.

And what precisely are they praying about? Well, there mission is to "be a positive support and encouragement for public and private schools, praying that our schools may be guided by biblical values and high moral standards."

I checked out their website. Nowhere did I find any suggestion that these moms get actively involved in their local schools. There was nary a suggestion that moms join the PTA or volunteer in the classroom or run for school board or help out with extracurricular activities. No, the only thing these women are supposed to do is pray.

Look, I have nothing against meditation or prayer. If it helps you feel better about yourself or allows you to get in touch with the one, more power to ya. However, we live in this world and, if we want to affect change, we need to be actively involved in this world. Sitting around a coffee table praying ain't going to cut it.

Imagine if the women involved in this organization actually spent their time doing something proactive. Imagine them rolling up their sleeves to help deepen their children's educational experience. I bet they could get a lot accomplished.

But alas, I'm sure they will continue meeting several days a week wasting precious time. What a loss!


  1. Well for once I agree with you. People need to take a pro-active roll to rid the public schools of the unions, the socialistic mindset, and the moral decay.

    Sitting around and wishing/praying/chantting for change will not bring change. Especially parents need to return the focus to the children - to educate the future generations in concepts of self responsibility, morals, respect, character, and academic success - all of which has been going down the drain because of the influence of the unions and liberal/socialists mindset.

  2. "moms in touch" with illegal cash contributions, laundering money for the gop.

    it's interesting that the "values" party has proven to be no more than a front for grotesque corruption, sweat shops and prostitution in the south pacific, illegal war and undermining the constitution.

    not to mention the laughably inept "no child left behind."

    all good illustrations of right wing character.

  3. Justadog,

    Maybe morals and values are "going down the drain" since those at the top don't exhibit them, hmmm?

    I hope you have something positive to contribute, and not just a negative diatribe against those actually bothering to take the time to educate our kids. If you don't like what they are teaching, go teach yourself, instead of just criticizing those who do. And, if you think teaching should be a more highly respected profession, why aren't you calling for higher salaries, instead of just critiquing the fact that they have to have unions to get any kind of decent pay at all?


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