
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A Shadow of her Own

When Martin Luther King, Jr. was struck down by an assassin's bullet, it felt like someone had kicked us in our societal stomach and we couldn't breath. It was the end of an historic era. Many felt that King's dream might never be realized.

But out the void of his death walked Coretta. His widow, though beset with grief, decided to dedicate the rest of her life toward turning her late husband's words into reality. She became the first lady of the civil rights movement. Sadly, Coretta Scott King died yesterday.

She founded the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change. She was an outspoken defender of civil rights and justice. In essence, she stepped outside of her husband's shadow to create one of her own.

I think Rev. Joseph Lowery, a co-founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, said it best, "She wore her grief with grace; she exerted her leadership with dignity."


  1. Joseph Lowery is an opportunistic idiot. He used a funeral to say:

    “We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there. But Coretta knew and we know that there are weapons of misdirection right down here. Millions without health insurance. Poverty abounds. For war billions more but no more for the poor.”

    Yeah, if only Coretta would have informed the CIA with her knowledge.

    These liberal idiots - no respect for even a funeral, they have to turn that into some Bush-hate event. The ONLY one showing true respect, showing true class, was President Bush.

  2. May I point out that you often refer to liberals as idiots. This is neither respectful nor shows any class. Therefore, you seem to be guilty of the same kind of alleged name calling you accuse Lowery of.

  3. I call you people as I see you. Your attempt at trying to make me feel guilty about it won't work with me. You should know that by now. I'm no sucker. I have no respect for liberals, nor what they stand for, nor the defeatism they spew. To stand against liberalism shows the highest degree of class.

  4. If you believe that people should call things as they see them, then you can't very well criticize Joseph Lowery for calling them like HE sees them. I couldn't care less if you choose to feel guilty or not. I'm merely pointing out that you are being very inconsistent in applying standards of respect and class. In other words, you're being very hypocritical and that fact reflects poorly on you.


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