
Sunday, July 10, 2005

Your Hate Becomes YOU

It's hard to smile when you are filled with hate. It's hard to enjoy things when you're filled with self-righteous angst. And it's hard to embrace the varied aspects of life when you're constantly seething with uncontrolled anger.

This is one point I keep returning to in my mind when I think about all those people out there who HATE Muslims or unions or liberals or non-Christians or Gays/Lesbians or the flavor of the month. Hate has become their constant companion. It's become their own intoxicating beverage.

It's one thing not to be in favor of something or not to like something, but HATE is an all-consuming emotion. It creates tension in one's mind and body and fuels a never-ending cycle of self-created stress.

In some ways, HATE is like a self-imposed cancer. It eats away at both the good and bad in each person. It sucks up all the vital life force and spits it out like regurgitated bile.

In time, a person's self identity becomes so enmeshed in the emotion of hate that hate becomes the person. When this happens, the soul evaporates and all you have left is a hollow container.

In essence, the maxim is true -- Your HATE becomes YOU.


  1. Hmm...okay, the comment problem I mentioned in an earlier comment must be limited to your archive pages and not the main page. Anyway...

    I agree with you to a point. I think there are people out there who can control their hatred. I'd like to think I'm one. I hate terrorism, but my hatred doesn't consume me or define me.

    Of course, it depends on your definition of "hate". The dictionary gives us several:

    * To feel hostility or animosity toward.
    * To detest.
    * To feel dislike or distaste for.
    * To dislike intensely

    Or is this the one you're going for:
    * A feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action.

    It all comes down, in my opinion, to how one chooses to react to one's hatred.

  2. I think the difference here is between hating a thing and hating a person. Most major religions and philosophies advise one to hate the sin or blemish, not the person. Unfortunately, too many people place more emphasis on the latter, not the former.

    It all comes down, in my opinion, to how one chooses to react to one's hatred.

    I think it depends on whether a person hates a particular thing or is consumed with hate. To be consumed by ANYTHING is not good as it upsets the delicate balance within us all.


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