
Tuesday, July 12, 2005

New Iranian President Makes a Good Point

As you've probably heard, the US has charged that the recent Iranian national election was flawed. The Dubya gang has made this allegation because, of course, the Iranian people didn't elect the kind of government Bush and his merry men desired. Now, the new president-elect of Iran has issued a word of warning to the US -- treat us as equals, not as subordinates.

According to the UK Guardian,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech came during an exclusive interview with state-run Iranian television and indicated the new Iranian leader's apparent determination to not bow to US demands to curtail his country's nuclear programme.

"We are urging fair relations with the world, but people are being blocked by some who claim they promote democracy and freedom but act vice versa when they deal with Iranians," Mr Ahmadinejad said in an apparent reference to the US.

For those of you who wonder how the US could better relate to Muslim countries, Ahmadinejad's words offer a good starting point. Simply put, we must quit demanding things at the point of a gun. We don't bow to the demands of any other nation; why should any other nation with democratic elections bow to us?

If you think, "Well, how democratic do you think the elections in Iraq were?', I would merely suggest you ask yourself the same question in relations to Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004?

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