Monday, January 14, 2013

Cleaning Out

Trey Smith

One of my chief tasks over the next several weeks is to sift through all the crap we've been lugging around to determine the far, far smaller amount we will continue to lug around. To do this, I will be going through boxes whose contents I have not laid eyes on until the LAST time we moved (5 1/2 years ago).

It really is crazy to lug stuff around that you only seem to look at when packing up to move. We like to think that we will look through this stuff more often, but it never seems to work out that way. One of the reasons WHY I don't look at the stuff that often is that there is TOO DAMN MUCH OF IT. It literally would take weeks to review all the memorabilia, news clippings, photos and assorted other items.

And so, I am taking a very conservative approach to my task. Of the stuff I've gone through thus far, about 90% is being tossed. My thinking here is that, if we have just a few mementos, maybe we'll get them out to reflect on them more often. If that turns out NOT to be the case, then I'll toss most of the rest at some not too distant date.


  1. Why not have a yard sale? You could sure use some extra money.

    1. Yes, extra money would be nice, but dealing with people would be worse. ;-) Besides, most of our stuff came from thrift shops and garage sales. Don't think we'd make much money off of the stuff anyway.

  2. I suppose you've heard George Carlin's rant on stuff?


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