Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Trey Smith

Who is it that America fears? Who is it that we must be forever on guard to defend ourselves against? Who is it that has caused us to shred the Constitution in exchange for "security"? Who, oh who, could it be?

Al Qaeda, that's who.

They are mean, evil, ruthless, bloodthirsty and...ugly. Our leaders have made a solemn pledge not to rest until every member of Al Qaeda is rubbed out. They are Public Enemy Number One.

At least, that's what our leaders tell us. But, as Dave Lindorff pointed out yesterday, many of the rebels in Libya that WE armed were associated with...Al Qaeda! Many of the rebels in Syria today that we are (wink, wink) assisting in their struggles against a brutal regime are self-identified sympathizers with Al Qaeda!

I'm confused. Is Al Qaeda the enemy or not? How can you pledge, on the one hand, to hunt them down like dogs while, on the other hand, you're providing them with weapons?

It makes no sense at all UNLESS the War on Terror is a red herring.

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