Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Some Difference! 7/17

Trey Smith

10 Palestinians should be occupied, dispossessed and ignored. Iran should be starved and threatened from all sides. Cuba should be embargoed, and Americans prohibited from going there to see what its people have done in a half century free of Yankee rule. Black and brown babies and their parents, relatives and neighbors should be bombed with drones in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and similar places. The politicians and corporate commentators have a misleading name for this. They call it “foreign policy.” The realistic term for it is global empire.
~ from Closer Than You Think: Top 15 Things Romney and Obama Agree On by Bruce A. Dixon ~
There used to be a mythical dividing line between Democrats and Republicans in regards to war and imperialism. The GOP was dominated by hawks, while the Democrats had far more doves. That dividing line has evaporated almost completely.

Many people decried Dubya as being a war-first president, but Barack Obama operates from the exact same playbook. In fact, in many ways, Obama is more pro-war than Bush ever was. Bush started two wars; Obama is administering many. The big difference is one of semantics. Bush called his wars, wars. Obama, on the other hands, uses different phraseology.

The end result is the same. The US has increased its military footprint under Obama and there is no rational reason to think this fact won't remain the same if he is reelected. There is also no rational reason to think this fact won't remain the same if Romney wins.

When it comes to subjugating others, particularly Muslims, there really isn't a substantive difference between the Dems and the GOP.

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