Monday, September 17, 2012

Some Difference! 13/17

Trey Smith

4 Immigrants must be jailed and deported in record numbers. To be really fair, one should note that on this issue Republicans talk a mean game about sending them all back and jailing tens or hundreds of thousands along the way. But only President Obama has walked the walk, deporting over a million immigrants in his term in office, often with little or no due process and after housing many for months in atrocious privatized immigration prisons.
~ from Closer Than You Think: Top 15 Things Romney and Obama Agree On by Bruce A. Dixon ~
It has been pointed out by MANY commentators that Obama has rounded up and deported MORE immigrants in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years. But let's not quibble over numbers. Both totals are egregious!

States that have passed stringent anti-immigrant laws are now discovering that their xenophobia is causing a serious problem that they somehow didn't factor in: It's hurting their economy! Crops are rotting in the fields and not making it to market. Farmers either are bearing increased labor costs (Americans sure as hell don't want to work for the piddly wages formerly paid to the illegals) OR some are facing bankruptcy.

And why is so much animus being laid at the feet of illegal immigrants? Because politicos need scapegoats to divert the public's attention from the real culprits who are robbing the country blind!

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