Trey Smith
A new White House report issued Friday warns that $110 billion in across-the-board spending cuts at the start of the new year would be "deeply destructive" to the military and core government responsibilities like patrolling U.S. borders and air traffic control.This little article does a good job in telling us about the priorities of the political class. Even though the US outspends the rest of the world by a WIDE MARGIN on military expenditures, this is what the White House is most worried about! Yes, the military-industrial complex must be spared. If it means gutting everything else, well that's the "price" we must "pay" for "freedom!"
The report says the automatic cuts, mandated by the failure of last year's congressional deficit 'supercommittee" to strike a budget deal, would require an across-the-board cut of 9 percent to most Pentagon programs and an 8 percent cut in many domestic programs. The process of automatic cuts is called sequestration, and the administration has no flexibility in how to distribute the cuts, other than to exempt military personnel and war-fighting accounts.
"Sequestration would be deeply destructive to national security, domestic investments, and core government functions," the report says.
~ from 'Destructive' Cuts Loom for New Year by Andrew Taylor ~
Throughout the article, there is no mention of the impact these cuts will have on the poor or the middle class. You won't find a word about how this will undercut community programs or our crumbling infrastructure. You won't find anyone lamenting how these cuts will further push states, counties, cities and school districts to the point of insolvency. It's rather obvious that these things are unimportant to the elite.
No, their panties are in a wad because we won't be able to shovel money hand over fist to defense contractors AND we will have to cut back a tad on the protection of our southern border (from all those dangerous migrant workers)!
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