Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dream a Little Dream of Me

Trey Smith

The Rich are trying to create a new kind of feudalism where Lordships are won not on battlefields, but in corporate boardrooms. The rest of us need to be impoverished because without serfs to worship them, having everything ultimately becomes boring.
~ from Mythology and the New Feudalism by Mike Spindell ~
Spindell makes a great point. Wealth without adulation isn't all it's cracked up to be. While not every single person of wealth is a megalomaniac, a good deal of them are and it's the megalomaniacs who are running the country!

This really isn't a difficult concept to grasp. If a group of people are sitting around a table and one person has all the chocolate chip cookies on THEIR plate, many of the other attendees will fawn all over him/her in order to convince the person to share even a few crumbs.

It's the ultimate power trip -- you get to decide who eats and who starves or who lives and who dies. If the masses simply are resigned to their fate by basically ignoring those who will make the decisions, the elite will become more nasty and brutish. They become this way because they are not getting the attention they believe they so richly deserve. So, they bully people, not because they necessarily are sadists, but they want you to grovel at their feet.

It's more entertaining that way and, sad as it sounds, it makes them feel better about themselves!

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