Friday, July 13, 2012

The (Carpal Tunnel) Medal for Bravery?

Trey Smith

Whatever one thinks of the justifiability of drone attacks, it’s one of the least “brave” or courageous modes of warfare ever invented. It’s one thing to call it just, but to pretend it’s “brave” is Orwellian in the extreme. Indeed, the whole point of it is to allow large numbers of human beings to be killed without the slightest physical risk to those doing the killing. Killing while sheltering yourself from all risk is the definitional opposite of bravery.
~ from Bravery and Drone Pilots by Glenn Greenwald ~
It sounds like some sort of internet hoax, but this is real. The military brass is giving serious consideration to awarding the Distinguished Warfare Medal to soldiers who kill others with a joystick!

As Greenwald points out, this is absolutely ludicrous. What "bravery" is entailed when no enemy is attacking you? Heck, the "enemy" probably doesn't have the slightest idea where you are! Even IF they figured it out, you're out of their reach.

Did you fight your way through bumper-to-bumper traffic that morning to make it to work on time? Are you standing strong in the face of a potential carpal tunnel injury? Did you sit in your chair for 6 hours without whining about the lack of a bathroom break?

Boy, that was brave as heck! Here, have a medal.


Another point Greenwald makes is so right on target.
This is why the rapid proliferation of drones, beyond their own ethical and legal quandaries, makes violence and aggression so much easier (and cheaper) to perpetrate and therefore so much more likely.
It is because bravery is no longer part of the equation that drone warfare is becoming more ubiquitous. Killing others without putting yourself in ANY danger is a recipe to be more aggressive and violent. Rather than make the world a safer place, drones encourage others to replicate your efforts and to become just as aggressive and violent.

It is pure madness to think otherwise!

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