Saturday, June 9, 2012

Having It Both Ways

Trey Smith

Over the past several months, including just last week, I’ve written numerous times about the two glaring contradictions that drive the Obama administration’s manipulative game-playing with its secrecy powers: (1) at the very same time that they wage an unprecedented war on whistleblowers, they themselves continuously leak national security secrets exclusively designed to glorify Obama purely for political gain; and (2) at the very same time they insist to federal courts that these programs are too secret even to confirm or deny their existence (thereby shielding them from judicial review or basic disclosure), they run around publicly boasting about their actions. Just over the past month alone, they have done precisely this by leaking key details about Obama’s commanding role in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, drone attacks that have killed allegedly key Al Qaeda figures, sophisticated cyber-attacks on Iran’s nuclear program, and the selection of targets for Obama “kill list”: all programs that are classified and which the White House has insisted cannot be subjected to judicial review or any form of public scrutiny.
~ from Probing Obama’s Secrecy Games by Glenn Greenwald ~
To be clear, Obama didn't invent this game. His predecessor was a master at it, but so too is the current president. When it serves his political agenda, the Obama administration has excessively loose lips. But when it does not serve that same agenda, he clenches his jaw, sticks out his lip and declares, "You can't make me tell ya what I don't want to tell ya!"

In common parlance, this is called wanting to have things both ways. It is not the manner in which a free and democratic nation should operate. It is becoming obvious that constitutional scholar Obama somehow missed the historical part in the founding of our country which unequivocally indicates that the president is not the same thing as a king! There is not supposed to be a royal court!

I offer this information as yet another reason WHY progressive-minded voters should not vote for this guy. This is just another example of Obama out-bushing Bush himself!

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