Monday, June 11, 2012

Hard to Fathom

Trey Smith

A lot of people decry the current state of American education. I share in this concern and the following news item only underscores the point!
A Gallup poll last month revealed that almost half of Americans are anti-empiricists — that is, they trust ancient descriptions of the world they live in over scientific explanations developed through a direct experience of it.

Forty-six percent of Americans believe that a deity created humans in their present form some time in the last 10,000 years, according to what respondents told pollsters. The percentage has changed little in the last 30 years, during which time the backlash against teaching evolution in public schools has continued, if not expanded, with great strength.

One-third of Americans said humans evolved with God’s guidance. Fifteen percent said humans evolved, but God had nothing to do with it.

A 58 percent majority of Republicans hold the creationist view of the origin of human life. Forty-one percent of Democrats agree, along with 39 percent of self-described Independents.
Why do so many Americans believe in science when it comes to fighting something like cancer -- I don't see many Christians eschewing chemotherapy for nothing more than prayer -- but they discount science when it empirically contradicts their religious beliefs? They will embrace science when it has to do with transportation, communication or war, but they pooh-pooh it when it comes to global warming!

Yes, they love to hate science...except when it makes our lives more efficient and convenient -- then they have no issue with it at all.

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