Saturday, May 26, 2012

Might I Get Your Permission to Lodge a Complaint?

Trey Smith

Conservative government leaders like to paint themselves as strict constitutionalists. Their whole motivation, they eagerly tells us, is to protect the freedoms we enjoy in western democracies. This is just as true in England or Australia as it is in the US...or Canada.

If you've been paying attention, then you might have noticed that these conservatives are -- how should I phrase this? -- lying through their teeth!! They certainly wish to safeguard the freedoms of the elite, but they don't care too much for the freedoms of the rest of us.

Two of these freedoms -- the rights of free speech and assembly -- irritate them to no end. How are they supposed to rule the world with so many loud people in the streets? It is not fair to have their train of thought so rudely knocked off track!

Here in the US, city governments have been trying to clamp down on lawful protests for years by erecting a dizzying number of municipal regulations aimed at frustrating groups that wish to hold protests and demonstrations. Not to be outdone, the City of Montreal passed Bill 78 last week which, among other things, requires that
public demonstrations involving more than 50 people have to be flagged to authorities eight hours in advance, include itinerary, duration and time at which they are being held. The police may alter any of these elements and non-compliance would render the protest illegal.
Did you get that? What it basically comes down to is that you need a permission slip from the government in order to protest against it! Even worse, the government is allowed to change any of your plans and, if you refuse to abide by the changes, your protest becomes illegal.

Sadly, hundreds of thousands of Montreal residents didn't get the memo as they held a massive protest throughout the city on Tuesday. I think the message they sent came across loud and clear: You can take Bill 78 and shove it!

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