Shawn Tedrow
We work with being, but non-being is what we use.Does the realization of non-being negate, being? Lao Tzu, a proponent of non-being, says it doesn't negate, but rather we still work and live with being.
Tao Te Ching, chapter 11
Absolute reality does not cancel out relative reality.
The realization of no-self doesn't eliminate our “self”- living. It brings balance and harmony to it.
We spontaneously utilize the consciousness of the realization of non-being, while working with being.
We surrender into non-being, and that is expressed, in being.
Can the flute be heard without the blowing of wind sensed?You can check out Shawn's other musings here.
Non-being and being, dancing together, freely and unfenced.
That's Taoism.