Sunday, January 1, 2012

Daily Tao - Turn Your Attention

Layers and realms of the universe and heavens, levels of spiritual mastery or achievement, exist only as pointers to that which is in you.

The truth is never really 'out-there', to be reached for, or so on. All of that, and the truth itself, exist by one root. Being.

All such ideas are mere pointing to ways of uncovering the mystery who's clearest answer is in your own being.

Daily Tao is a reprint from Ta-Wan's blog, Daily Cup of Tao, which offers one post per day for an entire year. You also can read these posts in an ebook.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree with your assessment. It is important to not negate pointing fingers or spiritual methods as if they are ridiculous though. Teaching to put the cart before the working horses is ass backwards. Wouldn't you agree?


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