Thursday, December 8, 2011

Working on conflict


Things I learned from work this week are that:

Things will work out or not in the end anyway and it's better observed than acted. I tried twice to raise the concerns of workers with management and watched twice how management drove down the attempts, as they would have lead to more work for them, and they twice felt the brunt of moving too late on the issues. Rather than try to help, I'd have served my own peace better by just watching and learning. Instead I went on to learn that:

It is upsetting for a man of Tao to assert an issue. In both cases, when seeing how management reacted to genuine offers of help, it was upsetting to me their reaction, to the point where it was still on my mind when I got home. It is more my way to drop thoughts of work as soon as I leave the place, but this situation lead to my wife needing to remind me what was important. Fortunately, she did this well and thought of work was dropped to be replaced with a peaceful time at home.

Work can seem a significant part of life providing us with a show which can fill one-third of our lives. Relationships in the workplace can lead us to spend more time with people we have no love for than we do our families, and these relationships can feel important.


Anyway, I must now cut this post off as it is work time.

You can check out Ta-Wan's other musings here.


  1. Of course, explaining wu wei doesn't work in a performance review.

  2. Wonderful post Ta-Wan. I was so touched how you articulated the real-human-world that we live in related to how we may struggle at times.

    You also bring up an interesting topic related to how people typically function in the workplace. The business culture today is a nest that creates people that are more preoccupied with themselves instead of keeping their eye on the goal which requires losing themselves and their self-interest. What is interesting is when you offer another way through an idea to operate, your co-workers immediate reaction is triggered by not wanting to do additional work. But many times if they did take this advice, in the long run it will reduce the workload as business is ran more efficiently through an idea. The idea is their friend and answer to not wanting to work so hard, but they translate that idea into their enemy because they are so self absorbed.


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