Friday, December 16, 2011


Shawn Tedrow

Now the time has come (Time)
There are things to realize (Time)
Time has come today (Time)
Time has come today (Time)…
~ from the song “Time Has Come Today” by the Chamber Brothers ~

There are talks about living in the moment, as in not living in the past or future. Even though this thinking seems to reject the notion of a past and future, it still seems to have a reference point to a time, as in now is this, in-the-very-second-moment of time. In other words, it is not cool to live in a time way of thinking with a past or future, but it is okay to think in a time, if the time is now. This is called, “living in the moment”.

Is there time though? Can we go deep within, beyond mind, and feel no time? Leaving thoughts behind, just feel where there is no-time. Nothing to fear; if you leave time, no one dies, except the mind. Mind has no home in no-time. Taste and feel no-time.

A while back in time, I was walking in the woods along a trail that lead to a small rustic wooden bridge that went over a beautiful flowing creek. Standing on this trestle of planks and rails, I turned towards the sun-sparkling stream flowing to and underneath me. I then began to reflect how this was like living in the moment.

As I was receiving this amazing sparkling, in the moment, water coming towards me, I then turned to the other side of this bridge, and stood with both arms extended, hanging over the top of the guard rail. I was watching the water “that was”, as in past tense, now flowing underneath and past me. I thought to myself, I am now watching the past, flowing downstream.

I was in a very extraordinary meditative state, and then things got very surreal and dreamy for me. It was as if I left mind and time.

An image of me went back to the other side of this bridge watching this, in the moment, water coming towards me. I pictured myself reaching down with a ladle, and scooping up a cup of water. I took a sip, and tasted this, in the moment water.

Then I pictured myself back on the other side of this bridge watching the water of the past, as it flowed away from me. I reached down with ladle, and scooped up a cup of water. I took a taste, and realized there wasn’t any difference from either side of this bridge. Both sides were from the same water, both having One-taste. There was no time, present or past.

Where were the constraints of mind while I tasted and experienced this timeless creek? Mind has no-home in no-time.

Leave thoughts behind, and sink into the timeless eternal, beyond mind. Taste and feel, no-time.

You can check out Shawn's other musings here.


  1. I think that was not zen, that was tao...

  2. I think time and space are constructions of the brain/mind. Useful, but not actual in the world. Good post, I'll have to think about this


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