Monday, December 12, 2011

The Status Quo Philosopher

Shawn Tedrow

The path of self-discovery has many "self-constructed" roadblocks. We have grown an addiction to what I call the psychological egoic self or false self. The false self, subconsciously holds us hostage. It impulsively permeates our thinking.

The false self becomes our philosopher so that the ego-identified person can remain in a status quo condition. The definition of status quo is; "To keep the things the way they presently are. In Latin, “status quo ante”, literally "the state in which before", means "the state of affairs that existed previously. For ego to keep status quo, it has many devices. One is religion or philosophy.

My recent post, The Fruit of Self, was an attempt to show that the evidence of an egoic identified person is found in their behavior or actions. A great Jesus quote worth contemplation is, "You will know them by their fruit". Another great quote by Confucius is, "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I DO AND I UNDERSTAND".

Even though we are more than our behavior, it is through looking directly at our behavior that we find understanding. A philosophy that bypasses looking at behavior through over empathizing the Bigger Self, and excluding or making little of behavior, author and source, is from the Status Quo Philosopher, ego.

You can check out Shawn's other musings here.


  1. "For ego to keep status quo, it has many devices. One is [two are] religion or philosophy."

    But these are devices which can move us beyond the false self (or trap us there if misapplied.)

    Odd that you quote a spiritual figure and a philosopher in making this point.

    As I often say, "Faith is not in fact; belief is how we act." The proof of the pudding iis in its nourishment.

  2. I agree with you. Again, I must apologize for not writing with complete clarity while trying to stress a particularly point. Words are so difficult in a comprehensive way at times. I didn't mean that ALL religions or philosophies are devises of the status quo philosopher, ego. And I also agree with you when you say "But these are devices which can move us beyond the false self (or trap us there if misapplied". I am all for engaging in philosophy. One more thing; When you wrote "The proof of the pudding iis in its nourishment", the correct spelling for the word is, is is. :-)

  3. Ah, if it IS not my errant dislocated left pinky, it's my sticky keyboard! Touche!


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