Sunday, December 11, 2011

Slicing a Blade


Dissecting Tao. Cutting through, at the joints, so limbs thud to the floor.

Then standing over and saying:

"Why all these parts?"

"Why is it dead, so lifeless?"

Chuang Tzu pointed out so often that this causes that. We should find no surprise that when we aim the mind at the concept of Tao that we are left with concepts, lifeless bits, it seems to no longer sing.

Every problem where the mind is lost in some questioning as to how to resolve some mystery or another there is only ever one cause to the minds dilemma. The mind itself.

The mind sets up a problem and then sits mystified by a situation it created.

You can check out Ta-Wan's other musings here.

1 comment:

  1. There is a problem in confusing or conflating Tao with its manifestations (the 10,000 things.) That probably has a "dualist" ring, but I am actually agreeing with you.


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