Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Line by Line - Verse 54, Line 2

What his skilful arms enfold,
From him can ne'er be borne.

~ James Legge translation, from The Sacred Books of the East, 1891 ~

What is firmly grasped cannot slip away.
~ Gia-fu Feng and Jane English translation, published by Vintage Books, 1989 ~

That which is strongly held cannot be taken
~ Derek Lin translation, from Tao Te Ching: Annotated & Explained, published by SkyLight Paths, 2006 ~

Tao's power clings so tightly
it can never slip away.

~ Ron Hogan rendition, from, 2004 ~
Our dog, Lily, is a Dachshund/Xolo mix. Xolos that are crossbred have an interesting characteristic: they are missing 2 or 3 pairs of teeth. My wife and I thought that these missing teeth would cause problems with eating and chewing on bones. Boy, how wrong we were!

Unlike our other dog (Jaz), Lily is hyper-protective of objects she deems as "hers." Once she gets a bone or toy clamped into her jaw, it ain't coming out. Though Jaz outweighs Lily by a factor of 4, there is no way she can dislodge a ball in her little sister's mouth. Heck, it's near too impossible for a big guy like me to get it out!

When we grasp a hold of the energy of Tao, nothing can separate us from it.

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  1. Came here by way of Bruce G., and am very glad to be here. I read the first lines of Huainanzi Entry 38 and was hooked. I will be back again! Best to you and yours. EFH


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