Monday, December 12, 2011

Huainanzi - Entry 36

Trey Smith

Kindling is not sold in a forest and fish are not sold by a lake, because there is superabundance. So when there is plenty, desires diminish; when wants are minimal, contention stops.
~ a passage from
The Book of Leadership and Strategy by Thomas Cleary ~
If there was a sufficient number of jobs to be had, there would be no Occupy Movement. If 40 million plus weren't on Food Stamps or millions of homes were not being foreclosed on, there wouldn't be people marching, demonstrating and camping out in communities across the country.

When economic times are good, the vast majority of people tend to their routine lives. They go about their daily business and spend their free time with family and friends.

I can tell you from experience that it's difficult to motivate people, when times are good, to commit to any level or degree of activism. Yes, I KNOW there are problems in the world, they say, but life's pretty good for me right now and so I think I'll pass.

The rise in activism today is the surest sign possible that life isn't so great for the vast majority. Countless individuals who have never participated in a march or demonstration are leading the way.

Why? Because there is no kindling to be found in this clear-cut forest and no fish available in this polluted lake!

To read the introduction to this ongoing series, go here.

1 comment:

  1. It's the system, man, it's a system based on scarcity and inequal power dynamics (I have fish, you want fish, you will pay me what I ask, or get no fish...).


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