Monday, December 12, 2011

Daily Tao - Grass Grows

In the first year meditation is such a thing to grasp.

In the second year meditation is a wonderful thing so different to daily life.

In the third year there is no difference at all between life and mediation.

Not using year in a literal way.

Daily Tao is a reprint from Ta-Wan's blog, Daily Cup of Tao, which offers one post per day for an entire year. You also can read these posts in an ebook.


  1. As my teacher said to me, after the third year, "Are you meditating always?"

    And if not literal, in what sense are you using "year." Internal alchemy does tend to attach some time lines to the process.

  2. Great post Ta-Wan. Hit hits me personally. When I first started dabbling in the BIG questions about life, I would put aside time to meditate and be mindful. Then I found myself meditating while being active, like going to the store or being at work. Then momentum took over and it was like meditation merged into all of my life. Even though I at times still put aside a quiet time for reflecting, there is no difference anymore between life and meditation.

  3. BR I'm not using year in a literal sense as these stages could span any supposed time period.

    ST good to hear.


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