Monday, November 14, 2011

Tao Bible - Isaiah 60:12

For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.
~ King James version ~

Tao wastes nothing.
~ possible Taoist alternative ~
According to the Bible, God often is wroth with those who worship other gods and/or oppose his Chosen People. In most such cases -- as in this case -- he tells the Israelites that he will destroy the non-Jews because he desires it!

Since Tao is beyond desire, Tao puts nothing to waste. Since Tao is impartial, no one is targeted for good tidings or retribution. As I've mentioned several times before in this series, unlike the Christian God, Tao has no favorites.

If you're interested in reading more from this experimental series, go to the Tao Bible Index page.


  1. I'm not sure it's productive to mix up the "Chosen People," the Israelites, with the "desires" of the Christian God. The triune Christian God is about love for all, not just the chosen. The God of Isaiah is not the same as the God of the Gospels. (I'm talking concepts here.)

  2. I think there is no question that the depiction of "God" changes and morphs throughout the Bible, particularly in the OT. That said, you must keep in mind that this series is aimed at the EVANGELICAL Christian perspective -- the one that holds that the Bible is to be taken literally and was written BY God himself through people.

  3. Oh, I realize that but I don't see a lot of evangelicals taking issue with your when I make these comments, it is partly to share in the astonishment at the world view they espouse.


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