Monday, November 21, 2011

Stillness in flow


How many teachings have asked you to be still or be the stillness? Many I'd say from the meditative to the contemplative to the transformative.

If we were to be completely still then we would see nothing but change. In this position we would be ripe for motion sickness! We would be setting ourselves up as something separate to all of the changing.

From this point of stillness though if we were observant and honest we'd see that we too are movement, changing. This is the gateway to true stillness.

Going with the flow? Being the flow.

When all is changing and flowing, even the apparent observer, then a real stillness is the case. You transform from a rock attempting to watch the river of life (and in doing so stirring up more waves) into the water itself.

Being Tao in Tao, flowing within the flow, and not trying to force a place of stillness.

You can check out Ta-Wan's other musings here.

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