by Ta-Wan
by Ta-Wan
I stated in a previous book that: “When desire opposes the situation then conflict appears” and this is almost all of what I have said in this book up until now in just one sentence. There is this reality, quite immovable, quite unchangeable, and it can be no other way. When the desirer, the mind, looks at this Now Reality and has another idea in mind, then there is conflict in its simple and naked form. Laid bare conflict is this simple situation, the mind, which is unreal, vs the undeniable reality of being.
This is what I mean when I say that you can not alter the world, you can only alter your attitude towards it. Given a poor outlook things will come to frustrate you, once you’ve hit your nail with a hammer you’ll do it again, when you bite your cheek and get frustrated by it, crunch, you’ll do it again. With a fresh and positive outlook where you drop the moment as soon as it happens, you may well bite your cheek when chomping on some nice food but you’ll be so absorbed in the very next moment that you’re far more likely to have something beautiful fill your eye than something miserable.
So I’m promoting positive thinking? No, I’m not. I’m promoting the only reality, positive being. I’d certainly go as far as to deny the existence of time and say that time is part of the mind made illusion but as time is so ingrained in people I may avoid that debate right now. I’ll remind and challenge you though: If you can do anything in the past or the future, then you win, if you can only ever operate in the now, then the case is mine and I need not argue to bolster my stance.
As you can only operate in the now moment and the past and future are mind made then positive thinking is seen to be a waste of time and just the mind attempting to trick its way back into the driving seat. Positive being however is intensely powerful as now is always now. No need for wishes and regrets, here you are.
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