Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pop! - Part 4

by Ta-Wan

Comparison one person to another, one life situation with another, one outcome or the other is an undivided oneness comparing one idea of itself to another idea. All possibility of an alternative to 'what is' is only the mind at play. Things can not be different, only interpretation can change. That is the mind at work and when you've seen how it works and seen that it will go on that way forever, you laugh at it, cast it aside and realize perfection.

Knowledge is thought by many to be factual and immutably true. The real highest knowledge though is the recognition that knowledge is limited. Knowing that knowledge is limited you are less prone to be caught up in fads, phases and the words of gifted speakers. When people have something to sell, be that a concept, a product, political idea or a religion they will give you solid facts and a hard sell. With a clear and open 'maybe' mind though you'll keep things simple, you'll be wise to the fact that facts come and go, that what was as true as can be often comes to be proven false with time. Importantly you'll be happy with simplicity and so not seeking to buy your way to happiness.

You can check out Ta-Wan's other musings here. If you'd like to purchase your own copy of Pop! (a small Ebook), visit the Lulu Marketplace.

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