Thursday, November 17, 2011

A curved answer about time


How old are you?

Which bit?

What on earth do you mean by which bit?

Well my spine and my teeth are about 7 years old. Some internal organs range from 3 to 5. The bulk of me is not much more than a year at most and much of me is very new. Since I started answering this question some parts of me have been replaced with parts now only seconds old.

I didn't mean that actually.

Oh, sorry, I got you wrong. I see you must have meant another thing, ok. I'm infinite, I have no finite age as I gave rise to time. I am. I am being, awareness, Tao.

No, really, I just need to know your age in years. Since you were born. Seriously Sir, I'm just doing my job and need to know if you are old enough to rent this video.

You can check out Ta-Wan's other musings here.


  1. Delightful Ta Wan. Like a feather floating on the breezes, from low to high ad back. What feather even? Oh THIS feather. Thanks

  2. I love this. Of course, just because a cell divides, doesn't mean it is suddenly born. It just means there is now two where there was one. This goes back to your zygote, newly fertilized. Of course, that is only a moment of one being where there were two, nothing died, nothing created, the life goes on, merely changed. So you go back to your parents' cells, and their parents' and... finally, to the first cell in the primodial soup. I am 3.8 billion year old, sir. Give me that movie.


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