Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Anticlimactic Announcement

Trey Smith

Yesterday the various mainstream news organizations were all atwitter over the announcement that the Congressional Super Committee had failed to reach a compromise for their budgetary reduction recommendations. I almost expected one of the major networks to show footage of Dorothy Gale and her crew skipping through the forest chanting, "Lions, tigers and bears! Oh my!"

For anyone who was paying even half attention, this announcement is a yawner. Who actually believed that a completely dysfunctional Congress would not put together anything but a completely dysfunctional Super Committee?

I can tell ya that this is the precise outcome that I anticipated. It will provide both mainstream parties will the political fodder they desperately crave. For the next twelve months, we will be treated to a litany of accusations as each side blames the other for their conjoined failure.

This whole process has been about nothing more than political theater. The draconian cuts coming down the pike won't have much effect on the wealth inside the beltway. So, our elected representatives have relished getting to provide command performances for their prescribed roles.

Who knows? Maybe a few of them will be able to pick up an Oscar or a Tony Award!

1 comment:

  1. Look at the bright side, at least now military spending will be automatically slashed significantly due to the committee's failure.


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