Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Let's Hear It For Labels

Why are there basically no genetically engineered foods or crops anywhere in Europe, while 75% of U.S. supermarket foods — including many so-called “natural” foods — are GE-tainted? The answer is simple. In Europe genetically engineered foods and ingredients have to be labeled. In the U.S. they do not. Up until now, in North America, Monsanto and the Biotechnocrats have enjoyed free reign to secretly lace non-organic foods with gene-spliced viruses, bacteria, antibiotic-resistant marker genes, and foreign DNA — mutant “Frankenfoods” shown to severely damage the health of animals, plants, and other living organisms in numerous scientific studies.

Monsanto and their allies understand the threat that truth-in-labeling poses for GMOs. As soon as genetically engineered foods start to be labeled in the U.S., millions of consumers will start to read these labels and react. They’ll complain to grocery store managers and companies, they’ll talk to their family and friends. They’ll start switching to foods that are organic or at least GMO-free. Once enough consumers start complaining about GE foods and food ingredients; stores will eventually stop selling them; and farmers will stop planting them.
~ from The California Ballot Initiative: Standing Up to Monsanto by Ronnie Cummins ~
I don't usually contribute money to out-of-state political battles, but this is one I will support. If it passes in a state as large and populous as California, it could well start a movement that would sweep the country!

While many, many Americans favor labeling of foods, you can bet that Monsanto and the other agrochemicals corporations as well as many food companies will pour tens of millions of dollars into the campaign to defeat the measure. They'll say that that new labeling will cost them too much money, even though they change and upgrade their packaging frequently.

They will argue that it will cost jobs because less profit in the CEO's pocket will necessitate cutting labor. However, this one doesn't fly either because, when companies redesign their packaging, they don't layoff workers as a general rule.

They will argue that it will cost them untold billions of dollars and these costs will be passed onto consumers. That's a good scare tactic in a down economy except that, even without this mandate, they regularly jack up their prices and pass that onto the consumer.

And I am certain they will argue that accurately labeling GMO foods will bias consumers against their products which is unfair since their hired scientists say that there is no difference between GMO and non-GMO food.

They will say all of this and more; they will say it loudly and frequently. However, screaming untruths doesn't make them true. I sincerely hope California voters see through the fog of distortions and lies.

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