Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Capitalism Sucks

Yet, for decades now, we have failed to similarly question, challenge, criticize and debate our economic system: capitalism. Because a taboo protected capitalism, cheerleading and celebrating it became obligatory. Criticism and questions got banished as heresy, disloyalty or worse. Behind the protective taboo, capitalism degenerated into the ineffective, unequal, crisis-ridden social disaster we all now bear.

Capitalism is the problem – and the joblessness, homelessness, insecurity, and austerity it now imposes everywhere are the costs we bear. We have the people, the skills and the tools to produce the goods and services needed for a just society to prosper. We just need to reorganize our producing units differently, to go beyond a capitalist economic system that no longer serves our needs.
~ from Occupy Wall Street Ends Capitalism's Alibi by Richard Wolff ~
As I have advocated many times before, the idea that we can tame the capitalist system to make it more humane for the 99 percent is unrealistic...and unworkable. No matter what legislation is passed and regulations are adopted, the corporatists will find ways around them. They don't do this because they necessarily are e-v-i-l people -- though some of them certainly are! -- no, they do it because the system demands it.

Capitalism is bound up in the concept of profit and short-term profits for the shareholder reign supreme. You can't look too far down the road at potential long-term profits because a different capitalist may swoop in to take your legs out from under you! So you must concentrate on getting all you can get now and work to externalize any costs you might incur.

To insure that your profits are as high as they can be AND to externalize any costs onto an unwilling public, you must control the government. Fortunately, that's easy to do as you can bribe -- legally and otherwise -- anyone who hopes to serve. Those who eschew your largess will probably not get elected in the first place and, even if a few sneak through, they will be so marginalized as to be wholly ineffective.

I realize that many of the readers of TRT are not big fans of socialism and so I won't push that ism on you. But what we should know by now is that capitalism is the root of the world's economic crisis. Capitalism -- by its very nature -- subverts democracy.

The time has come to try something else that embodies and embraces democracy, not continue with a system that tramples on it with glee!!


  1. "Capitalism -- by its very nature -- subverts democracy."

    As communism subverts socialism.

    There is no perfect system. And they all decline and deteriorate.

    I think we make a mistake by focusing on the evils of "capitalism"; it is rather, as you have pointed out a problem with the soulless corporation...a capitalistic enterprise, indeed. But do you object to small business, privately, locally owned, making a profit and returning economic benefits to the community? That too is capitalism, and that doesn't suck. Actually I'd like you to describe your "socialist" vision of how things should--and could--work. I think "socialism' is as idealistic as "democracy." We try to go in those directions, but will never achieve a pure version of either.

  2. And of course, the real problem is greed and corruption, which flourish just as easily in socialist/communist systems as democratic/capitalist ones.

  3. Government must do less:
    Fewer agencies "protecting" us.
    Fewer laws and regulations.
    Fewer subsidies.
    Fewer "free" services.
    No welfare.
    No unemployment.
    No social security.
    Term limits.
    Lower taxes.

    While I think that society should provide a basic safety net for those who truly need it, I have problems with people taking advantage of the system. It seems there are always stories about someone abusing benefits who shouldn't really be on them in the first place, and likewise those who could qualify but for some reason are refused. Life isn't fair...and never will be. Suffering and oppression can be caused by too much intervention as by none at all. Work on yourself and be a quiet example to your local community, is all I think one can do. Individual people need to change, then the system will take care of itself, what ever "ism" it operates under.


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