Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gutless to the Extreme

I didn't have a lot of respect for the president and most members of Congress BEFORE they decided to sock it to most Americans during this serious economic downturn, but now that the details of the "deal" are coming out, I think the cast of characters that forged this agreement are gutless to the extreme!!

The upfront $1 trillion to be yanked out of federal spending should work out to around $100 billion per year. Add in the other $1.5 trillion to be deducted later and we should be talking about a total of $250 billion per year.

But, of course, that's not the way they have computed this at all. In 2012, the cut only comes to around $25 billion and about twice that much in 2013. Once we get three years out, the cuts become of a monstrous size to make up for the piddly cuts from the previous two years.

Why on earth would they come up with such a formula? And we all [should] know the answer. All of the key players want to be reelected in 2012 and they don't want huge budget cuts to impact and, subsequently, anger voters who might just throw them out of office!

So, not only are these folks dirty rotten scoundrels; they are self-serving dirty rotten scoundrels. They have crafted a budget plan that will devastate the vast majority, while they don't have the courage nor the guts to chance suffering any immediate political fallout in the process.

However you slice it, it is thoroughly disgusting all the way around.

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