Friday, May 6, 2011

We Are Left Out of the Equation Again!

I want the names and phone numbers of these economic analysts who continually make all these dubious prognostications! We learned this week that new applications for unemployment benefits jumped by a significant number (474,000 total) and this "rise surprised most analysts who had forecast a decline to 400,000." Are these folks using dartboards to guess each week?

So, with unemployment on the increase again, what do you think the Obama administration wants to talk about next week? Jobs? Oh, don't be so silly! No, they want to talk about IMPORTANT stuff.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is prepared to unveil the Obama administration’s plan to lower the top corporate tax rate from the current 35 percent to less than 30 percent, and as low as 26 percent...
Thank goodness!! We all know how Corporate America is suffering under the weight of record profits. So, why not insure their profit margins grow ever higher? I'm sure this well help to alleviate all that horrible stress that CEOs now face with all that wealth being thrown at them. (Note: This paragraph was written with dripping sarcasm, if ya hadn't guessed!!)

One would think that the corporatists would start to warm to Obama now that he is set to hand them yet another magnanimous gift. If you think that, you should think again! David Koch isn't fooled one bit. According to New York Magazine,
Obama is "a hardcore socialist," Koch told us, "and he’s marvelous at pretending to be something other than that, but that is what I believe he truly is, a hardcore socialist. He’s scary to me..."
Golly gee, who can blame Koch for his suspicions! A true blue capitalist wouldn't stop at a budget bursting 26 percent, he would drop it down to 15 or 10 percent or just do away with corporate income taxes altogether. (More dripping sarcasm.)

1 comment:

  1. I laugh every time see "Obama is a socialist.". Yeah and I am a Catholic.

    Bottom line? We do not matter.



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