Tuesday, May 17, 2011


As should be expected, there is a dour mood in our house. Even though Princess had hardly made a sound in the past month -- so unusual for a yappy dog -- it seems extra quiet. I understand that it is not so much that a voice has been silenced, it's more that there is a hole in our hearts.

Princess, the dearly departed.

Princess and her sister, Jasmine, on the back deck

The Rambling Taoist and the Rambling Taoist Dog (that's still with us)


  1. Hi RT, my condolences with your loss. It is always sad to lose a close friend. Someone that has brought brightness and love in your life.

    She has moved on to another phase in the ever changing nature.

    My thoughts are with you


  2. Peace to you and to Princess. Also it is good to have a picture of you too.



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