Wednesday, May 11, 2011


If I trot down to the library today to check out a book, I know I must return it in 3 weeks. Utilizing the knowledge of these two dates, I easily can calculate the halfway point.

There are a lot of different aspects of life in which the halfway point can be precisely or generally figured. There are many exceptions to this general principle, the duration of your and my life being the most glaring.

The halfway or midpoint only can be ascertained when we know the start and end dates. In the realm of life, we only know the former, not the latter.

We certainly can use statistical information to venture a guess. For example, a 36 year old male in America probably knows that statistically he is roughly at the halfway point in his life.

However, while he engages in the exact computation, he might fall dead as a doornail. If this happens, then he made the computation 18 years after the fact!!

On the other hand, if he lives to be 120 years old, then he is less than one-third of the way there!

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