Sunday, April 10, 2011

Why I Don't Respond

Why I Don't Respond
by Scott Bradley

Some have inquired as to why I do not respond to comments made on my posts. Trey has already addressed this, explaining that I live on a boat, off the grid, and thus do not have everyday access to the internet. When I first read comments, therefore, the post itself has usually already been archived. I am sorry about this, for I would very much like to respond to a lot of comments.

Quite frankly, there are others, however, to which I do not care to respond in any case. Some of these are just casual observations which do not invite a response. Others seem to miss the point of the post entirely and I can only imagine that this is because there is a greater desire to argue than to understand. By 'understand' I do not mean 'agree'. Disagreement and the discussion it ensues are a great way for us all to learn. And I invite any who would like to seriously discuss to e-mail me directly. I say this not only because I cannot respond on time to comments but also because, to be honest, I don't see a whole lot of value in the short little exchanges that are possible in 'comments'.

When I first wrote to Trey it was in the hope that I might be able to discuss things important to me with other like-minded people. (I can have discursive argument with most anyone of different mind anytime, and don't find it particularly edifying.) Yes, I wanted to share my drivel, as well -- something I am very thankful for the opportunity to do. But I would very much like to discuss with anyone who wishes to do so.

You can check out Scott's other miscellaneous writings here.

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