Thursday, April 14, 2011

Profit Motive

Today I was reading Wendall Potter's column at PR Watch and this sentence jump out at me:
The need to write the book [Deadly Spin] at all, to illustrate how selfish profit motives too frequently take precedence over the health care needs of real people, remains a tragedy.
Of course, the profit motive doesn't poison only health care needs, it poisons MOST needs of the vast majority!

It really doesn't matter which sector of modern society we're talking about. The unfolding nuclear tragedy in Japan and the despoiling of the Gulf of Mexico last year were caused, in large part, because profits were put before safety.

The US-led attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and Libya predominantly are caused by our corporatist government's desire for greater profits at the expense of the lives of the citizens of these countries.

When corporations take over education, corrections, garbage collection or caring for the aged and disabled, the services they provide are stripped away to bolster profits.

When it comes to the basic needs of people and the planet, the profit motive subverts everything to the least common denominator.

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