The Right has Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. We are stuck with Ed Schultz!
I don't know about you, but I DETEST interviewers who shout over the words of the people they are [ostensibly] interviewing. It is uncivil, disrespectful and childish. They operate on the theory that the loudest voice is the truest. It makes me sick.
Here's a recent interview from the Ed Schultz Show with Jeremy Scahill. Schultz sounds like a lot of what we heard during the Bush years in reference to Iraq and Afghanistan. And he supposedly is representing the leftward view?
I don't know about you, but I DETEST interviewers who shout over the words of the people they are [ostensibly] interviewing. It is uncivil, disrespectful and childish. They operate on the theory that the loudest voice is the truest. It makes me sick.
man, I can't stand that guy.