There have been reports coming out of Japan that a lot of their own media reporters are suspicious of what their government is telling them. It turns out that the Japanese government doesn't have a good track record in this regard. During past nuclear energy accidents, the government has seemed far more concerned with covering their own arses than providing the public with accurate information.
This certainly isn't a Japanese problem only. All throughout our history, the US government has been guilty of the same thing. The USSR, China, Germany, France and almost any other modern state you can think of has followed a similar tack. In times of crisis, truth and transparency quickly are shown the door.
So, I don't blame the Japanese reporters nor the people for doubting that they are getting the whole story. For the most part, they (us too) are being fed spin. It makes it very difficult in these trying and frightful times to know who and what to believe.
This certainly isn't a Japanese problem only. All throughout our history, the US government has been guilty of the same thing. The USSR, China, Germany, France and almost any other modern state you can think of has followed a similar tack. In times of crisis, truth and transparency quickly are shown the door.
So, I don't blame the Japanese reporters nor the people for doubting that they are getting the whole story. For the most part, they (us too) are being fed spin. It makes it very difficult in these trying and frightful times to know who and what to believe.
The longer I live and the more I poke around the more I discover that most of what I was led to believe was a lie - especially when the government had a hand in it.