Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Could Really Happen

Lately, as the conservative push to "re-invent government" has been taking the country by storm, I've been thinking what could really happen here IF these efforts prove successful. What if they succeeded in removing collective bargaining rights, slashing government spending for domestic programs (like food stamps, welfare, education, job training, etc.) and increasing tax breaks to the most well off.

What would become of this nation's poor and lower classes?

Initially, not a lot would change. People would rely on family and the shrinking social safety net to help them get by. In time, however, as more and more people became destitute, they would overwhelm the private sector philanthropic and social service agencies. The number of homeless persons would rise dramatically. Crime would most likely increase as desperate people are more apt to take desperate measures.

At some point, unlike what is going on in the Middle East and North Africa, we would have riots instead of peaceful protests. We Americans -- even many of the poor -- have led somewhat pampered lives (versus the poverty encountered by others in this world) and, because of our historical high standard of living, most folks couldn't countenance a daily hand-to-mouth existence.

While I would like to believe that our government would deal with the unrest more in line with what has transpired recently in Egypt, I am far more apt to believe the governmental response would look more like what is now happening in Libya.

At that juncture, I can easily envision a civil war of sorts taking place on our streets and in our communities.

If it comes to that, I hope I'm dead by then.

1 comment:

  1. Didn’t someone say society is only three meals way from anarchy?
    The potential for the future could be mind numbingly horrible
    So im just going to live in the moment, and deal with what I must

    he gou river dog


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