
Saturday, March 26, 2011

So, What Is Your Point?

I realize the brief mini-series on God and the seven deadly sins hasn't been popular with some of you. Well, it is what it is. Since I write a lot of posts on this blog, I figure not everything I write will meet with everyone's approval. That's cool by me.

Whether you enjoyed it or not, you may be wondering: So, what is your point?

The main thesis underlying this mini-series is that it is evident to me that humans were not created in the image of the [Judeo-Christian] creator. It is the other way around. A portion of humanity has created a supreme being in the image of humankind. This being exhibits all the supposed vices and weaknesses that we do!

There are ramifications to this. If Christian adherents believe that humanity inherently is flawed, then their god is just as flawed. There is nothing wrong with believing in a god with frailties and foibles, but it is illogical to say that this flawed deity is perfect. If he mirrors the emotional make-up of humans and yet is considered perfect, then all of us are perfect too.

This post is part of a mini-series. To read the intro, go here.

1 comment:

  1. I agree RT. It is like Chuang Tzu when he said can a frog in a well know what the ocean is? So us Frogs in our attempts no know God subjectively try and describe the Ocean by only relating to the walls of our well (limitations of the mind). That tells me that man has used his small in the box reference point of limited knowledge to try and explain the infinite that is out of this world sphere of our thinking (well). Thus we have the Christian God story and the such. Man's attempt to explain God is nothing but a silly frog story that is sitting in a well. Somehow we have to experience getting out of our limited well of thinking to experience the Infinite.To hold God down into our human reference point in trying to know him is like missing by zillions of zillions of miles. We got to get out of our box! And what is our box? How far does outer space go? What is its distance? Is it the only box there is? Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit


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