Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Know It's Trivial, But...

...hooray, hooray!! Daylight Savings Time (DST) is almost here in the Pacific Northwest. Only 4 hours until it arrives!

As a night owl, I tend to wile away my hours in darkness. It's not that I dislike darkness, but I sometimes feel like a vampire. DST allows me to enjoy a tad bit more sunlight per day. It also means that my wife doesn't always have to drive home from work in the dark.

Another perk about the coming of DST is that the temperatures are slowly starting to warm and, in theory, rainfall around here starts to lessen. While I personally love a rainy day, it can make it difficult to get out to work in the garden and I need to get to work on some weeding.


  1. I don't get the whole time change business. I've read the arguments. They don't sway me either way. Let's pick a day, split the hour and get over this thing.

  2. I'm annoyed. I tend to be naturally in tune with the sun, and it's hard to get up far before it does. My wake up time for work was slowly nearing sun-up, and I was feeling less tired at work. Now I'll be securely in darkness again as I get up, which sucks.

  3. Of course (speaking from a place that does not observe this shift, and only has to remember annoying mainland time differences for phone calling) there is no difference in the amount of light available in any given's just a clock change, a manmade measure. If I were you, I would just follow the sun. That's what we do in Hawaii. (Although, I understand Della's situation.)

    And DST has nothing to do with temperature...that's Spring.

    But thanks for reminding me...

  4. I like DST, but hate the shift, plays hell with my internal timing mechanisms. I wish they'd adjust it by 30 minutes one way or the other and leave it alone from then on. Call it a compromise, something I'm otherwise not very good at.


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