Friday, March 4, 2011

How B-I-G Could Lead to Small

In many of the verses of the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu utilizes seeming paradoxes or opposites to lead to a singular point. It is in this same vein that I think that B-I-G government could lead us down the path toward the idealized state envisioned by the ancient Taoist sages. I am certainly not suggesting that we would ever arrive at that pristine destination, but I do think it could move us far down that road.

The system we live under today stresses individualism and dog-eat-dog competition over communitarian needs and values. If there is a profit to be made, corporations and individuals will pull out the stops to realize it, even if it means polluting and cannibalizing the common spaces we share. The needs of the one or the few consistently take precedence over the needs of the many.

When the one or the few takes more than they need, conflict is unavoidable as their excess robs others from having simply enough. In a world limited by finite resources, taking more than you need leads to stresses and strife -- both internally and externally.

My vision of an egalitarian B-I-G government seeks to limit unsustainable desire by providing the basic needs of each and every person. Tamping down desire is one of the definite objectives outlined by both Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.

One of the chief goals of this kind of B-I-G government is to provide for lifelong educational opportunities. As we learn more about the world we live in AND about ourselves, we develop the ability to find joy in the simpler aspects of life. It is in this sense that education becomes not a road to a better payday but a path to personal enlightenment.

It would be far easier for all of us to become enlightened IF we are healthy and the public spaces have not been despoiled. So, the role of B-I-G government in this sphere is to provide each and every person with universal health coverage as well as to replenish and cleanse our communities of pollutants, toxins and waste.

As the planet becomes more vibrant and life-sustaining, we will come to see Mother Earth as a being that nurtures us all. If we view our planet as the mother of the ten thousand things, we will want to honor her for the sustenance that she provides.

Finally, enlightened people who are healthier and share a healthy environment will be less prone to place individual desires above those of the community at large. Since desire is what fuels conflict and war, both would gradually diminish.

As we began to reach these points of personal and community enlightenment, B-I-G government would begin to shrink organically of its own accord. In time, it would almost cease altogether because it would no longer serve a purpose.


I realize that what I am describing could be termed heaven, nirvana or utopia. That is a given. I am much less "worried" about ever achieving the final destination; moving in that direction has worth all of its own. In my mind's eye, B-I-G would lead to small and, eventually, to nothing at all.

Me thinks that would bring smiles to the faces of the ancient Taoist sages.


  1. And the state will wither away...

  2. wasn't that the objective of communism, after all? To have the government more as a facilitator towards an egaltarian, classless, non-governed state?

    Of course we see how that turned out. Centralized all the wealth and power, and of course they failed to distribute it.

    This is why class warfare is in the end rather stupid, by the way. As Orwell stated in 1984, as well as The Who: meet the new boss, same as the old boss. It's not about class, really, just human nature.

    I don't mean to discount what you're saying or to disagree. I'm just rambling.


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