
Friday, March 25, 2011

God and Pride

In a sense, pride is about self-respect and respecting oneself isn't such a bad thing. However, when pride moves from simple self-respect to arrogant beliefs of self-importance, that's the point in which it becomes one of the deadly sins.

In my mind's eye, it would be hard to argue that the Christian God doesn't exhibit an overbearing sense of self-worth. In almost every book of the Bible, God spends an inordinate amount of time boasting about his resume! He declares he is the word itself as well as the Alpha & Omega.

He constantly reminds us that he made the world and can rub it out in a second, if he so chooses. He always is demanding complete devotion to feed his over-sized ego and, at those times when he does not receive the just due he feels he so richly deserves, he reminds anyone who will listen just how great and wonderful he believes he is.

And how does he prove that he is as great and wonderful as he thinks? He tells folks that, if they don't believe what he constantly harps on, he will send them to a lake of fire for eternity to burn and suffer!!

I don't know about you, but that seems a tad bit haughty to me.

This post is part of a mini-series. To read the intro, go here.

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