Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tao Bible - Psalm 8:6

Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:
~ King James version ~

Each part of creation is but one piece of the puzzle.
~ possible Taoist alternative ~
Reiterating a point made in Genesis, the author declares that humankind is bestowed with dominion over all the beings of Planet Earth.

Every being and form in this realm fits into the overall tapestry of life. We each have roles to play according to our own internal nature. Humankind categorizes these roles into a hierarchy, but the impartial Tao does not.

If you're interested in reading more from this experimental series, go to the Tao Bible Index page.


  1. I do not see a conflict with the blending of both of these quotes. You can find natural hierarchies throughout the creation of nature. Aren't Lions considered kings of the jungle? Hierarchies are just a part of the beautiful harmonious puzzle. To not accept this is not accepting nature because of some mental moral viewpoint that is in conflict with the Tao. Be careful to not try and make the Tao conform to your political agenda of what is right and wrong.

  2. Lions are considered "kings of the jungle" by HUMANS. I'm really confident that, if we could ask lions, tigers, elephants and wildebeests about this human-derived designation, they would laugh or, at least, shake their heads.

    As I observe the world around me, I see no hierarchies EXCEPT in the minds of humans.

  3. I agree that an animal doesn't "think" in terms of the word hierarchy. I doubt that they would laugh at the terminology though. But they do have an inward respect without words that Lions have "dominion" over them. What does an antelope "sense" when he sees a lion slowing approaching him? Does he laugh? He KNOWS inwardly and acts accordingly. The Polar bear rules its dominion. Just ask a seal. Better yet, "pay attention" to nature without having a moral concept in your mind.

    With all due respect, you seem to have a problem with the word hierarchy. Hierarchy doesn't mean that one is "better" than the other. It is just the organization of nature with all parts being equal. Consider ants. What organizes them into a natural hierarchy? Why is there a queen, army-dudes, and workers? Hierarchy doesn't equal evil or non-harmonious. It is just what it is in the Tao. Again, I think you have a moral concept in your mind on what the Tao is suppose to be like. It appears that in your mind hierarchy has no place in nature because you think this reality should not morally exist in the harmony of the Tao. In your mind hierarchy represents non-harmony but it is harmony.

  4. Actually, YOU seem not to understand the definition of the word, hierarchy. You have it confused with the word, order.

    1. A body of persons having authority.
    a. Categorization of a group of people according to ability or status.
    b. The group so categorized.
    3. A series in which each element is graded or ranked.
    a. A body of clergy organized into successive ranks or grades with each level subordinate to the one above.
    b. Religious rule by a group of ranked clergy.

    1. A condition of logical or comprehensible arrangement among the separate elements of a group.
    a. A condition of methodical or prescribed arrangement among component parts such that proper functioning or appearance is achieved
    b. Condition or state in general.

    As a result of these accepted definitions, I will state that I see an order represented in the universe. Everything fits together into one mosaic.

    I do not see a hierarchy. In the TTC, Lao Tzu stresses the impartiality of Tao. In order to determine a hierarchy, valuations must be made and valuations negate being impartial.

  5. Dear Rambling Rose Taoist,

    You seem to be splitting hairs of words as if order (being good) doesn't naturally create hierarchy (being bad). Again, please pay attention to nature. When a child is borne order comes into being in the form of hierarchy via the father and mother. There is naturally a hierarchy in the family unit. This is not showing partiality as all beings in the family are equal. Though there isn't any partiality, there is a ranking of command or authority that naturally takes place so that the new borne can be cared for. If this natural form of hierarchy didn't exist we would experience chaos. Hierarchy in itself is not a bad. It does not necessarily mean separation or that one is better than the other. It appears to the mind that my boss is better than me but is that really true? Hierarchy is an essential part of the order of things. You can find hierarchy everywhere. Try and start a youth baseball team without having some form of a hierarchy. Try and form a business without having some form of rankings of command. Try to have a society without some form of hierarchy keeping things in somewhat order. Hierarchy is not evil. It is in the nature of order. It has been mishandled and abused but don't throw the baby out with the dirty bath water. There is harmony in hierarchy.

  6. You seem to be underscoring one of my points without realizing it. Each example you offer above has to do with humanity and, as I have already stated, only humans place values on things and ideas. So, while valuation may indeed help people in their personal and social lives, that misses the point raised in the post.

    I'm not speaking of the human perspective but the perspective of Tao.

    I will deal with your objection in a post scheduled to hit the blog at 1:00 pm SDT.

  7. What about true social heirarchies in the animal kingdom? Not ants, there's no top dog for them; but, dogs, yes, and wolves, chimps, gorillas, elephants, lions, horses, baboons, and probably many others have alpha members, whom the rest must defer to.

    So while I don't agree that humans are in charge of Earth, there ARE heirarchies in nature.


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