Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let's Give 'Em Back

Back in 2009, Texas Governor Rick Perry hinted in a speech to Tea Party backers that it might be time for his state to secede from the USA. This past week leaders in Arizona have suggested much the same thing for their state.
Arizona lawmakers have just released a new bill, referred to as SB1433, that would allow it to essentially secede from the country without officially doing so.

How? By creating a 12-person committee that allows its members to vote by majority for or against federal, or national, law. While not officially removed from the nation and any of its mandates, the freedom allowed with the bill will give the state more leeway in what rulings are actually accepted within its borders...
If you look at all the rhetoric and shenanigans going on in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas lately, it's enough to cause a thinking person to scratch their head.

Well, I think I have a simple solution to this festering problem. Since all three states used to be part of Mexico, why don't we give them back?

Imagine their shock when the citizens in these states -- states that have each passed anti-immigration legislation -- wake up to discover that all their non-Latino residents are now the immigrants!! Imagine how all the white citizens will feel being asked to show their papers anytime Mexican authorities request it! Imagine how the white citizens will feel when the US Border Patrol rounds them up as they try to flee to Colorado, California, Utah or Arkansas!


  1. "Since all three states used to be part of Mexico, why don't we give them back?"

    That's about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Mexico and most of Latin America used to be under the control of Spain, so does that mean all of Latin America should return to Spain too? And most of North America used to be under the control of the British Empire, should we give it back to them too?

    Mexico and England is no more justified in claiming these lands, than any other country is. The Spanish and Mexican conquerers were just as blood thirsty in decimating the native population as the English, maybe even more so. But either way giving Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas back to Mexico would run those states into the ground, these states would become a corrupt third world country overnight. If Mexico is such a great place to live and work, immigrants wouldn't be fleeing here in large numbers.

    * "states that have each passed anti-immigration legislation"

    You mean anti-illegal immigration legislation. No one (except maybe the most die-hard neo-nazi) is opposed to legal immigration. The issue is illegal immigration. Mexico doesn't tolerate it either. Maybe you ought to read up on it sometime on Mexico's Immigration laws, it's anything but liberal.

  2. This post was written tongue-in-cheek.


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