Thursday, February 10, 2011

It Has Come to This

The other day I read a headline that simply astounded me. Once and for all, it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the political landscape has changed dramatically. What was the headline, you ask?
Democrats Jab Republicans over Patriot Act Vote
A generation ago, this headline wouldn't have been surprising at all. Anyone reading it would know that the more liberal of the mainstream political parties was taking the more conservative one to task for voting in favor of reactionary legislation. Today, unfortunately, that is NOT what the headline infers. No, the Democrats were upset with Republicans because they didn't automatically rubberstamp an extension to certain provisions in this reactionary legislation!!

The so-called Patriot Act allows OUR government to spy on us EVEN when we are not under suspicion of committing a crime. It allows them to listen in on our conversations WITHOUT a warrant. It allows them to see what books you or I checkout from the library. It allows them to invade our privacy just because they want to, not because there is a pressing need to.

When the so-called liberal or progressive political party supports this kind of governing as much, if not more, than the so-called conservative political party, this is about all we need to know about the lay of the political landscape.

So, when 2012 rolls around, don't come crying to me that I need to hold my nose to vote for Democrats. Don't tell me the Democrats are better than Republicans. I want you to remember February 2011. That was the time the Democrats chastised the Republicans for not rubberstamping passage of the so-called Patriot Act. That was the time that they showed their true colors for all to see.


  1. Trey,

    My thoughts too.

    I am a Democrat but give an alternative, a true liberal, a true progressive and I am done with the Democratic party.


  2. Ready for a New World Order?


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