Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Will Really Change?

Unless the pollsters have it all wrong, the Republicans should take control of the US House of Representatives once all the votes are counted. There is an outside chance that the GOP will take control of the US Senate as well. For the sake of speculation, let's say both of this possibilities come to pass. Here's the question I would like to pose to many of you: What will really change?

Yes, I realize that many of you believe that the Republicans will pass all sorts of horrible legislation and the nation will be thrown into a nasty tailspin. In fact, some of you may think they will send us so deep into a hole that we may never recover.

But there is one variable you seem to be ignoring: The current president is a Democrat WITH veto power. Since it is highly unlike the GOP will gain enough seats to be "veto-proof", you simply need to have confidence that Mr. Obama will veto all the bad legislation that crosses his desk.

What I think has so many of you scared out of your wits is that you have very little confidence in the president in this regard. Over the first two years of his presidency, he has exhibited very little backbone. He seems to cave in at the drop of a hat. He throws in with the naysayers far too easily.

Admit it. What scares you the most is that a GOP Congress will pass draconian types of legislation and, in the interests of "bipartisanship", your guy won't fight it, but will sign it into law!


  1. Actually the biggest fear is that the GOP has enough power now in the house to not do anything. If they follow through with their threats and refuse to raise the debt ceiling for instance, we get to see what having the U.S. default on its debt is like.
    If they do nothing to address the issues that are facing this country the veto doesn't mean a damn thing.

  2. In addition to the above comment, there's this. Yeah, maybe all the draconian stuff won't pass, if Obama uses his veto power well; but it also means that any democrat sponsored bills won't move at all. Government will grind to a halt. It was hard enough to get anything done when the Dems had control of both houses and the presidency, now, with a Republican House, I think we're going to see obstructionism on a grand scale. Good luck, America.

    And I agree with your Obama comment. He hasn't shown himself to be a president for change, or the liberal everyone thought (and I'd hoped) he was.


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