Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Tao of Dark Sages - Chapter 19, Part 2

The Tao of Dark Sages
by Scott Bradley

Gabi: Why do you think Sue-tzu is enlightened?

Scott-tzu: Because she doesn’t desire to be. And because she doesn’t even recognize such a thing as real — as if there was some state of existence different from any other. If she’s not enlightened, then she is definitely a spiritual adult. What do you think — you’re the one who gets to spend so much time with her?

You’re jealous! I can see by the way you look at her that you are in love with her. And she really likes you, too — like Mark-tzu said.

Yeah. I’ve always had a thing for her, but I didn’t know I was in love with her until just recently. And you? Are you jealous?

Of her and you!? Ha! Don’t flatter yourself, Tzu-tzu. You are my bon ami, c’est tout. We have fun together. That’s enough, non? And anyway, right now I want all my energy to be in this . . . awakening. Already, the world is different. It’s so much fun becoming free! And now I understand you better, too. You pretend you are not spiritually awake, but I know you really are.

Yeah, maybe I am a little. And maybe I pretend a little not to be, but I think it’s mostly just how it finds expression in me. It’s the aimless freedom that I enjoy the most. The peace and serenity are just the background music. And like Sue-tzu says, it’s not about getting to some state of spiritual zombiedom, but having a really good time being a human being.

I like the expression. Let’s make love.

A not too brief hiatus in the conversation. Mountains are mountains...

To answer your question, I think Sue-tzu is as enlightened as I would ever want to be. She’s serene, yet full of life and humor, you know? You will be lucky when you are together with her.

Am I going to be together with her?

Yes, I’m sure. And I am going to be with Mark-tzu.

My dear Gabi, you are a wonderful piece of work, I must say. And what of Mark-tzu? Is he going to be jealous of me? And is he going to make such sweet love to you?

Silly boy. I will make sweet love to him — how will he not make sweet love to me? He is not in your zombiedom, you know. Doesn’t Shiva have his consort? And doesn’t he make love to her for a million years? Maybe he will be my Shiva! And how can he be jealous? He’s let go of his very self, how can he possess Sue-tzu so as to be jealous if she loves someone else? No, everyone will be as happy as always.

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here.

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